Sunday, March 15, 2009

~Sleep? What's That~

Sleep around this house for James and I has been very little. I think we both are so off track and are having a hard time getting back on. Monday night Sadie didn't want to sleep while we were still in the hospital so I didn't get any either which was hard because I had been up since Sunday morning. Tuesday night she just wanted to cry all night long. Wed night she slept ok but by this point I was already behind on many hours of sleep. Thurs night was again a bad night with little sleep. Again with Friday.I think the problem is that we are having a hard time getting her to latch on to the breast so it's been very frustrating for both her and me. We had to go to using formula and me pumping breast milk just so she can eat. I almost feel like a failure when it comes to breast feeding. I don't mind pumping just so she gets that good milk. The Dr. told us that we need to try to get her days and nights right. So starting tomorrow we are going try to keep her awake as much as we can. She also loves sleeping in our bed with us so we are going to try and get her to stay in her crib more. It's all a work in progress and will take time which we know. I will say the lack of sleep and everything else that's been crazy in our life the last week is 110% worth it and I wouldn't change it for anything in the world. We love her like crazy and will take any challenge that comes our way. James was a wonderful husband and let me sleep in big time today. He took great care of Sadie while I caught up on some much needed rest. I'm also going to start napping when she does that way I'm not to tired.