Tuesday, March 10, 2009

~She's Here~

We checked into the hospital Sunday evening around 4:30pm. I was hoping it would a snap and she would be here. They checked me when I got there and I was still 1cm. Well the Dr. came in and checked me and I was 2cm and he broke my water. At about 5:30pm he started me on the meds. I wasn't really having contractions until later. I was about to talk to friends and laugh at jokes until about 1am. That's when they got really bad and I wasn't even really dilating. I think I was at 3cm then. What made it even worse is that I had heartburn on top of that. That's when I could no longer laugh or joke through them. At around 4am she asked me if I wanted drugs and I said yes. I knew when I went in that I was getting the Epidural but I could have some pains meds before if I wanted them. Well we skipped the pain meds and went straight for the Epidural. I got that about 5am. This whole time I didn't sleep at all. I felt great after that. The heartburn did get really bad and I got sick. A huge thanks to Keri and Adeline for cleaning me up and holding my barf bag. James was a mess and couldn't help me with that one. After I got sick I felt better. By the time the nurse checked me at 6am I was already 9 1/2cm. Labor and delivery got really busy around that time and she laughed and told me to hold on and don't push. I said don't worry this little girl will wait...she wanted this long. I started pushing and after 4 pushes Sadie came into the world. It was the best feeling in the world. She weighed 8lbs 14oz and is 20 inches long. James cut the cord even though he hate the site of blood and needles..lol. James has been a wonderful husband helped me the past few days..I'm very thankful for him. I'm trying to breast feed her but we are having issue with her latching on which is making it hard on me. I have had about 4 hours sleep since Sunday morning. So if this makes no sense please forgive me..lol. I just wanna say a huge thanks to my husband James for being the best husband ever. Thanks to Brook and Jaime for making me laugh til Keri got there. And a big thanks to Keri and Adeline for staying all night and helping me bring Sadie into the world. Thanks to everyone for all the well wishes. I can't wait to show her off. Again if this makes no sense I'm sorry...lol.


Proudfoot Family said...

Congratulations. She's beautiful. Hope you get some sleep soon.

Melissa said...

Congratulations!!! She's just perfect...adorable. So happy for you! Hope you get some rest soon:)

Jennifer said...

She is beautiful! Congratulations! Glad you are doing well...take it easy. I can't wait to meet her!

Sarah said...

Sadie is beautiful! I can not wait to meet her! I hope you will be able to get some rest! I am around the rest of this week if you need anything! :)


Yeah pictures! Congratulations on your new baby girl!

Rich and Karyn Speakman said...

What an amazing beginning to a new journey in motherhood!