Wednesday, November 26, 2008

A Time for Thanks

I have so much to be thankful for this year. I'm thankful that God has giving James and I the chance to be parents. I'm thankful for a easy and health pregnancy so far. I'm thankful for having a wonderful husband that has stood by me and takes really good care of me. I'm thankful for a wonderful son that makes me smile each and everyday. I'm thankful for my family and the chance to become even closer to them. I'm thankful for wonderful friends and a awesome job that I love.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

She's a Maniac.....

maniac in my tummy...Let me tell you this little girl goes crazy in my tummy. It feels wonderful to have her moving around in my tummy. Let me just say when she wants to me go to the restroom she means NOW...not 10 mins later. I love to lay in bed at night and feel her. I'm hoping James will be able to feel it soon. I can feel her but I want him to feel my tummy and see if he can feel what I feel. So also loves when I eat..she moves like crazy. I've only gained 5 lbs which is wonderful considering I'm already overweight. That just means she's eating everything I am. I'm also not one that says "I'm eating for 2". I eat like I normally do...sometimes I do get hungry later but I think it's because she has eaten everything and not saved me

We have a 3D Ultrasound on Dec. 19th. We both can't wait.

Monday, November 3, 2008

~Baby Update~

Just a little update on baby Sadie. She's doing great and has a great heartbeat. All my test so far have been coming back great. I've been feeling great. My headaches in my neck have been doing way better. I only have one every now and then instead of every other day. I can feel her move a little...sometimes I still have to ask myself was that her or my tummy making noise. My next appt is Dec 1st. Sadie will be here before we know it and trust me we can't wait. We wanna hold her now.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

They are sooooo Spoiled

When it is cold and rainy outside the dogs love to be under the covers sleeping. Roxy loves to sleep all day but Titan he loves to play so it's like keep a 3 yr old in the house when it rains...he acts like he has ants in his pants.