Wednesday, November 26, 2008

A Time for Thanks

I have so much to be thankful for this year. I'm thankful that God has giving James and I the chance to be parents. I'm thankful for a easy and health pregnancy so far. I'm thankful for having a wonderful husband that has stood by me and takes really good care of me. I'm thankful for a wonderful son that makes me smile each and everyday. I'm thankful for my family and the chance to become even closer to them. I'm thankful for wonderful friends and a awesome job that I love.


Sarah said...

Happy Thanksgiving Christie! And A Happy belated Birthday!!!! I hope you had a special birthday on Friday! I hope you did something nice for your self. You deserve it! I am thinking of you and sending you a big birthday cyber hug your way! :)
Love you!


Happy Belated Thanksgiving!