Saturday, September 13, 2008

Just a little update....

I thought I would update everyone on what's going on around here. We have been busy these days. Austin started back to school in the middle of Aug. He's now in the 7th grade and really like all his classes. He's taking a leadership class this year which I think he'll do great in. He's also taking Algebra which he kinda likes but he scored so high on his test that he should be in that class. We think he's worried about not getting a A in the class. So far he's doing great in the class. James and I have been busy with work and enjoying our weekends together. We seem to always have something going on each weekend. I love the weekends when we just stay home and do nothing. We are also getting things ready little by little for the baby. I've been feeling great other then having some headaches and some tension in my neck which gives me the worse headache ever. I'm working on trying not to let that happen. I've been feeling great and the baby is grown well. We are hoping to find out the sex at the end of Oct. I'm 15 weeks along. And I have many more to go. James turns 30 tomorrow..I'm not to sure he's happy about But then again we all get old sometime in life. Well that about it...I guess I should have said a long upate instead of a little.