Monday, July 21, 2008

Our Little Gummy Bear

So today was our first U/S and I must say we both were excited as can be. I was just hoping to see the heartbeat and see that everything was ok. Words can't begin to describe the happiness that both James and I have right now. We have one little tiny gummy bear. I was very happy with that. The Dr. said everything look great. We also heard the heartbeat which was 153 beats per min. It was so neat. He even gave us pics of our tiny gummy bear. We still don't wanna know the sex which I know is going to be hard and I'm sure we both will be tempted to find out but we both want the excitement of not knowing also. Our Dr. was telling us that this past month he has had a lot of women take clomid for the first time and get pregnant the first time. What a blessing. God sure does watch over us. After I got dressed James and I were coming out of the room and the whole staff was standing there clapping for us and telling us con grads...that was so sweet. The Dr. gave both of us a huge hug. I'm so happy that god has blessed James and I with this wonderful chance at being parents



YEAH! I am really happy for you guys. So when is the offical due date?

Melissa said...

Hi Christy! I just found your blog. Congratulations!!! We are so happy for you guys.

Jennifer said...

Little Evan!