Sunday, August 23, 2009

~5 MOnths Old~

So Sadie is now 5 months old and getting so big. We started her on cereal and we are now giving her stage 1 baby food. She loves her cereal and so far she loves bananas, sweet potatoes, pears and that's about it. She didn't care for applesauce,peaches, carrots or green beans. We will try those again later to see if she likes them. She is also moving all over the place. No crawling yet but she moves from her back to her tummy all the time...she makes all kinds of noises and laughs like crazy. She is a very good baby. I think she's easier now then she was as a newborn. She sleeps well at night and loves being around her brother, daddy and her doggies.


Sarah said...

Wow... she has grown since I have held her last!!!! :) She is a doll! :)