Sunday, December 7, 2008

2nd Annuel Tree Cutting

This is the 2nd year in a row that we cut our tree down. It was soo much fun. We headed up to LaPorte on Sat morning to cut it down. We did this last year with the same set of friends. Only last year we found lost of snow. So this year was kinda strange when we saw no snow. The kids were a little bummed but still had fun. I let James and Austin pick out the tree because I was in no mood to hike to get my tree. I had to pee soooo bad and I was not going to pee in the So I just relaxed with the other people. Austin and James picked out a great tree. Austin even helped cut it down this year. We got home just in time to head to the Parade. What a great way to end the night. Here are a few pics...


Sarah said...

Fun day! We did the same thing Saturday! :) Only in Paradise!