Saturday, May 31, 2008


Does anyone know what the little wrench and it looks like a screw driver is on the right side of my page under the about me, friends and blog areas. If so how do I get rid of them.


Proudfoot Family said...

I think it's when you're signed in and have been "working" on your page. i.e. you've just added a new post or feature.
I'm glad to hear you're on your IUI path. We'll be praying all goes well. We miss the group. Keep us posted on how things are going.
Joe, Sarah & Zeke

Sarah said...

Yep... only you see the tools! It is what you click on if you want to change or work on that page element. You will only see them if you are signed in... that's why you wont see them on anyone elses! :)

Have a great weekend! Tomorrow is JUNE!!!!

Love, Sarah H.