Tuesday, February 3, 2009

~Time for a Update~

It's been a while so I thought I would update everyone on what's going on. I started my maternity leave yesterday and I can't believe I'm saying this but I'm already kinda bored. I feel like I'm playing hookie from work. I never miss work at, I only missed 2 days of work my whole pregnancy and that was because I got a cold. So it's kinda strange to be here at home knowing that everyone else is working. Don't get me wrong I like being home but it's just kinda boring. I know the dogs are loving me at home..now they get to stay inside all day if they want to. James and I already got everything ready for the baby. We did some deep house cleaning and washed all her clothes and packed all the bags. We are just now waiting til she gets here. So I have no baby things to do. Just regular everyday house things...although James doesn't let me do much of that either. I is nice to be home to cook a nice dinner each night and not be tired from work.

We started getting all her things out in the open. Her swing,bouncer,car seat. We want the animals to be able to get use to them being around the house so they don't freak out to bad when the time comes. It's really important that they know we still love them even though theirs someone new in the house.

I've been doing good. I now have Dr. appts every Monday, non stress test and Ultrasounds every Tues and another non stress test on Friday's. So I'm keeping busy during the week. I do get up about 10 times a night to pee and deal with heartburn which kinda sucks. I now have to be careful not to pee my pants whiling blowing my nose, sneezing or just plan standing there. I now know why old people wear depends and poses. But in all it's 100% worth it. We have a blessing from God that we are forever grateful for. We just can't wait to meet her.


Sarah said...

I missed you this week!!!!
Will you come and say Hi on Thurs!? It will be very informal! Please! Everyone would love to see you!

Jennifer said...

Love your playlist!