Friday, December 19, 2008

Just a little Peek

So today was our 3D was really neat but Sadie was being a little pest and wouldn't really let us see her. It was almost like she was laughing at us. We got a few good pics and a bunch of alien looking pics. They said she looks about 3 also looked her head was huge and she had Flintstones feet. They said her spine looked great. The umbilical cord was everywhere...she even had it by her chin. Everything looked good and we were happy to see her. She really loved to move her hands around...she was moving them like crazy.


Sarah said...

Sweet Sadie! How cool is that! I am so glad you posted! I was thinking about you! :)

Rich and Karyn Speakman said...

What beautiful first pictures of your lil' girl! I can't wait to meet her!