Tuesday, June 3, 2008

The Ball is Now Rolling

So today was my 1st Ultrasound. I was really nervouse. But things went great. I was in and out. The U/S went great. The Dr. said that everything looked good and my ovaries looked great. I was very happy. I started Clomid tonight (please pray that my mood swings don't get to bad) I will be taking that for 5 days and then I got back for my 2nd U/S on June 11th. He's looking at doing the IUI on June 13th..yes Friday the 13th. I was like WHAT...it's funny because James and I were talking about if it was going to be that day. I was kinda hoping for June 14th because that's my dad's b-day and It's been 7 years since he passed on. But I'm ok with the 13th..plus the Dr. told me that was his lucky day...I sure hope he's right. I have so many mixed emotions right now. I'm soo happy but yet so scared. This is really happening. I just pray that God will give us the dream that we want so bad. I know if it's his will this will work. So please keep James and I in your prayers.


Sarah said...

WooHoo!!! I am praying for you! Do you need someone to give you the shot of Hcg? You have lots of us nurse friends! Just ask!
I am sure you are very excited! I will see you Thursday!
Love, Sarah