Monday, May 25, 2009

~Sadie got her ears pierced~

We decided to get Sadie's ears pierced. She was a little fussy before and cried when they did it up stopped after a min. She looks so cute!!

~San Fran~

We took a trip to San Fran this month with the kids and had fun. We went to the Exploratorium and the Wax Museum. Austin loved the Exploratorium because of all the on hands things he got to do. We liked the Wax Museum also but Austin said it was "over priced" Sadie was very good and also enjoyed herself.

Austin at the Exploratorium

Sadie at the Exploratorium

James and I

You can't go to San Fran and not have a Clam Chowder bowl

While waiting in traffic on our way home we got to see fireworks

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

~Oh How Time Fly's~

Wow it's crazy how time fly's so fast. Sadie is now 2 months old and changing everyday. She now kicks her legs like crazy and smiles when ever you talk to her or say her name. We are working on getting her more tummy time which she doesn't really like. I go back to work on the 2nd of June. I'm going to miss spending time with her during the day but it will be nice getting back on track. Sadie has been such a blessing in our lives. It's been a bit hard getting use to having a little one again and all the things that come with it but, it's so worth it. Sadie is loved by so many people. We are so blessed to have all of our family and friends that love Sadie so much and we trust with 100%.

James and I started back up at the gym. It's been over a year since we last went. We are working with a trainer and learning how to get the best benefit from the gym. We are score at times but very happy.

We are also in the process of moving. My step-sister is buying a house and we are renting it from her. It's in East Marysville close to Austin's school. We are so excited and can't wait to set up Sadie's room. So many changes coming up but so worth it.