Friday, April 24, 2009

~Something I wanted to Share~

Every since James and I found out we had infertility issues I stated chatting on a message board called Daily Strength's. I love this site and the ladies that are on it. It has really helped me get through a lot of things. Having people dealing with the same thing your dealing with is a lot of help. So yesterday I saw this post and I wanted to share it because it really touched me. I feel really strong about it and how good god really is. I pray all the time that all my IF friends get BFP very soon. Here is the post.

I just want to share the AMAZING evening we had last night at our Bible study. We have been in this small group for almost 2 years now and they are like a second family to us now. Anyways... last night we had our group at one of the couple's houses and we had a guest come to speak. One of the couples in the group brought his mom's friend Ricky from Africa. Ricky is an evangelist whom they met at a revival last year in Florida. He is here for 6 weeks to share and preach, and spread the Word. Last night he shared his story and taught us so very much about allowing the Holy Spirit into our lives. As if God speaking to us through him wasn't enough, he also has done thousands of healings all over the world. Last night he laid hands on many of us and God truly was at work. Our friend Keith has been struggling with teeth problems over the past few months and has been in a lot of pain, and after Ricky laid hands on him, the pain was gone. Also, our friend Bob (who is retired from Harley Davidson and is the type of guy who tells it like he sees it and would definitely call it out if it wasn't true) has had numbness in his fingers on his left hand and has problems with limited mobility in his neck. After Ricky laid hands on him he just sat there in complete amazement because he could move his neck and feel his fingers!! God is GOOD!!

Now on to the really awesome part- yesterday I got my period, which at first was devastating to me, as it came 4 days early- which has NEVER happened to me. I was angry yesterday and very confused. Ricky asked to lay hands on DH and me, as he has laid hands on many people with infertility who have gotten pregnant right after. After he laid hands on me everything became clear and a sense of calm washed over me. I truly believe that I got my period early yesterday because God knew what was going to happen last night and this is the beginning of a new cycle- THE cycle that we will get pregnant! I KNOW that we will get our BFP in 27 days!!

Now- the even AWESOMER thing- (okay, I know that isn't a word, BUT!!)) After we closed in prayer my DH went and talked to Ricky about some things that have been heavy on his heart. He went back to work this morning after 7 weeks of layoff and was terrified of what he would face, as he drives a cement truck and works with very un-Christian like people. They talked for almost a half hour and God really worked through Ricky to touch DH. They talked about how Jim wasn't baptized, and how he needed to do that to really be full of the holy spirit. So, at 10:15 last night, we went out back to our friends' hot tub and DH, along with 3 other friends were all baptized- full emersion! I have never seen DH so happy (well, besides our wedding maybe!) It was just so incredibly amazing!!

GOD IS GOOD!!! Never have I believed that this type of thing was true- but I saw it and experienced it- and I BELIEVE!!!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

~Time Goes By Fast~

I can't believe that Sadie is already 5 weeks old. She sure has gotten big. I really enjoy seeing her grow each day. We have been having issues with her formula and also the fact that she could have GERD. We are trying to find a formula that she won't vomit up and that still allows her to poop. It's been very hard on us seeing her in such pain to try and poop. It's a work in progress that we hope soon will be fixed. We love each and everyday that we get to spend with her.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

~Easter Bunny~

We took Sadie today to see the Easter Bunny. She was such a good girl...she slept the whole time.